Monday, December 22, 2008

Butterscotch Heaven and Endless Knitting

I fell in love this past weekend. Yes, I believe this is the best thing I have tasted in a very long time. While browsing baking blogs this past weekend, I came up on On here I found a recipe for Butterscotch Almond Bars. Unfortunately, when checking out at the grocery store, the cashier scanned my all purpose flour with the items of the previous customer. Of course I didn't realize this until I was home stirring up the ingredients so instead of all purpose flour I had to use whole wheat flour but they still turned out delicious. I wish I had made a double batch so I could take a good bit to work. I guess the guys are going to have to make due with just a few. Another great part about this batch was that I got to use my new baking gadgets. I got a flour sifter and a pastry blender which are great but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to clean the sifter without getting clumps stuck in the sifting mechanism. Oh well, I'm sure I'll figure it out.

*Sigh* So here I sit, three days before Christmas and this is my Christmas project. It's Emily's Firmaments Shawl. I'll place the link to show what it is supposed to look like when it's finished at the end. I've been working on this shawl since October and at one point there was a incident that caused me to have to frog the entire project. My co-worker thought it would be funny to cover my eyes while working on it. Unfortunately, I didn't have a safety line in place when this happened so you can imagine what happened next. If it weren't for the fact that he was my co-worker and there were witnesses around, I think I would have strangled him right then and there. My boss (a non-knitter) even offered to hold him down for me. Just goes to show how nice my boss is. Now I'm on row 25 of 81 of Chart C. I can see the light but in reality I'm just half way through. After that all I have left to do is the edging and blocking. I don't think my mother will get this until next year and then I have to work on my brother's belated Christmas gift. I sure do hope she appreciates it and doesn't ask me "What is this? A dish towel?". Seriously, I think I'll scream.
Here's the link to the end product of the lace shawl that a very talented knitter has posted:

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