Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ten On Tuesday

10 Underrated Movies
  1. Rocky Horror Picture Show
  2. Shock Treatment
  3. Lady Killers
  4. Walk The Line
  5. Superbad
  6. The Cable Guy
  7. Clerks II
  8. Wedding Singer
  9. A Christmas Story
  10. 30 Days of Night

Bonus: Across The Universe

If you want to play along, feel free to check out Ten On Tuesday


  1. LOVE The Wedding Singer! I played too! Check it out, HERE!

  2. Love you list! I love The Wedding Singer, Rocky Horror Picture Show and A Christmas Story. The others believe it or not I have yet to see. Guess they are going on my ever growing list.

    Mine's up too...come on over.

    If I may be so bold in asking...while you're over looking at my list would you please vote for a photo that I entered into a photo contest? All of the info is on my blog. Thanks so much if you do and if you don't I completely understand.

  3. A Christmas Story is great. I watch it every year. The Cable Guy had a great lesson in it that I think a lot of people missed.

  4. I've been awarded The Honest Scrap Award and decided to pass it along to you. Please visit my blog to accept it. The instructions on how to accept are there also. It helps give your blog some exposure. Enjoy.
