I want to thank Daisy Soap Girl for mentioning me in her blog and passing along the Honest Scrap Award. She describes it as "...you're honest, enjoy your craft and work hard at having others enjoy it as well.". I am very thankful to be noticed by such a great blogger and crafter. It's great to see the support of a fellow blogger and crafter. If you haven't checked out her blog I definitely recommend swinging by and taking a look.
These are the rules as follows:
1. I must thank the person who gave me the award, list their blog and link.
2. I must list ten (10) honest things about myself & a copy of The Honest Scrap Logo on my blog.
3. I must select at least seven (7) other worthy bloggers & list their links
4. I must notify the bloggers of the award and hopefully they will follow the above three requirements also.
10 Honest Things About Me
1. I can't wait until I'm older.
2. I am striving to become vegan again and begin baking vegan.
3. I'm a bit OCD which is why I tend to do all the cleaning myself and have come to accept it.
4. My favorite color is green.
5. My first concert was a Backstreet Boys concert. How shameful!
6. I'm a loner.
7. My favorite movie is Rocky Horror.
8. I don't trust cats.
9. I love to make people laugh.
10. It's quite easy to make me laugh.
Worthy Bloggers
1. Sweet Treats Baking Blog
2. Frog Hair
3. Fig and Plum
4. Cookie Madness
5. Yarn Zombie
6. Brooklyn Tweed
7. Knit and Tonic
I love your ten honest things. Now that you mention it...I 'm not sure I trust cats either! LOL