Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I completely forgot I had these pictures so I never bothered to post about it. Last week I made arepas. For those who might not know, arepas are a corn based bread that is grilled. It's a very popular Colombian snack. For some reason, mine don't taste as good as my mother used to make them or as good as the ones from my favorite bakery, Cositas Ricas in Jackson Heights, NY. Oh well, they were still mighty tasty with some melted mozzarella cheese on top.

1 comment:

  1. I would be very happy to have one. Uhmmmmm!
    Oh, I see you have an interest in Archaeology..I worked on a project in FL. and loved it. Find out who your Sate Archae. is..they always want free help in the good weather on projects.
    Good Luck,
