Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Almost finished
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Ten On Tuesday
10 Things You Think are Cool
- Furry little animals
- Knitting
- Clint Eastwood
- Horror Movies
- Shoes
- Handmade items
- Passion
- Historic places
- Nature and all it's wonders
- The Beatles
Friday, September 11, 2009
Mittens and Kittens

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Ten On Tuesday
- Take On Me by Aha
- PYT by Michael Jackson
- Come On Eileen by Dexy's Midnight Runners
- Message In A Bottle by The Police
- Uptown Girl by Billie Joel
- Walk Like An Eygptian by The Bangles
- Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi
- Talk Dirty To Me by Poison
- Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie
- Another One Bites The Dust by Queen
Friday, July 10, 2009
A Monkey, A Bar and A BOOM!
Let's begin with my monkey socks. I've heard of the Cookie A. pattern to monkey socks and was always a bit skeptical but now that I've begun knitting it and am half way through the second sock, I've been won over. I swoon for these socks. They pattern is amazingly effortless to follow. Even I who has the memory of a goldfish have managed to memorize the pattern and am whizzing through it. I have seen the Cookie ways.
About a month ago, Paul and I went to a Hank III show. He actually decided to get a hotel room for the night down in Huntington to avoid the drive home at the end of the show and I agreed. It was a nice treat from him since he got the executive suite and got a room with a nice view. The nice surprise that was included with the hotel is the fact that the band was staying in it as well. The van was outside and we even ran in Lucky Tubb in the elevator. Lucky is actually the nephew of Ernest Tubb, the famous country singer. He was very friendly and introduced himself, shaking every one's hand. I didn't happen upon Hank himself but we did see Gary in the computer room. The show itself was great (as usual) but incredibly and uncomfortably hot. The AC wasn't enough to sustain the crowd. We stood in line for nearly an hour in the hot... HOT sun so we were soaked before we got in and it just got worse from there. It was so hot even the beer didn't feel cold to us. By the way, the upright bassist for Hank III looked just like the actor from the notebook. It was very strange.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Ten On Tuesday
10 Things That Turn You Off About People
- Discourteous
- Talkative (I mean REALLY talkative)
- Snobby
- Intrusive
- Contradicting
- Brown nosers
- Body odor
- Dishonest
- Downers - the people that always have a hard luck story that brings you down and they never do anything to fix their situation
- Know it all
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Ten On Tuesday
1. NYC Prep
2. Jon & Kate Plus 8
3. Marta Stewart Show
4. Oprah
5. Big Brother
6. American Idol
7. Lousy VH1 reality shows
8. America's Got Talent
9. The Hills
10. Kendra/ The Girls Next Door
Sent from my iPhone
Friday, June 19, 2009
Monkey socks are next. I'm not sure how I feel about this variegated yarn but I guess there's only one way to find out.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Road Trip Vacation
Ten On Tuesday
10 Things You'd Bring on a Deserted Island
- My ipod.
- A knitting project.
- Good book.
- Survival kit.
- Knife.
- Sneakers.
- Satellite Phone (is this cheating?).
- Pictures.
- A pet.
- Tent.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Mmmmm... sugary goodness!!
Ten On Tuesday
- Watch Sex and the City.
- Groom.
- Knit and other fiber hobbies.
- Watch my chick flick movies.
- Play dress up.
- Watch bad reality tv.
- Play my Wii.
- Blog
- Play my music on the stereo.
- Bake.
Monday, June 8, 2009
1st Sale
Monday, May 25, 2009
My yarn has arrived. Squee! This is my tax return yarn which I order back on February 28th. Yes, that's right, the 28th... of February. I ordered the Watery color of Rowan Tweed from Webs. I knew it was on back order but I had absolutely no idea it was going to be this late. I wish they hadn't charged me for shipping because of the delay but oh well. I must say they answered my e-mails very promptly which is more than I can say about other businesses I had placed orders from in the past. When they did e-mail me back, they were super courteous with me and gave me options to try and please me, so I couldn't ask for more from them. In addition to the great customer service, I got a pretty good deal because of their discount of lowering they price when you purchase a good amount of yarn from them. I can't wait to start my Tangled Yoke Cardigan.
Yatesville Lake
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Weekend Cooking
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Ten On Tuesday
1. Weezer
2. Ramones
3. My Morning Jacket
4. Sublime
5. The Cure
6. Reverend Horton Heat
7. Hank III and the Damn Band
8. Stray Cats
9. Bob Marley and the Wailers
10. Old Crow Medicine Show
Check out Ten On Tuesday to play along.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Honest Scrap Award

I want to thank Daisy Soap Girl for mentioning me in her blog and passing along the Honest Scrap Award. She describes it as "'re honest, enjoy your craft and work hard at having others enjoy it as well.". I am very thankful to be noticed by such a great blogger and crafter. It's great to see the support of a fellow blogger and crafter. If you haven't checked out her blog I definitely recommend swinging by and taking a look.
These are the rules as follows:
1. I must thank the person who gave me the award, list their blog and link.
2. I must list ten (10) honest things about myself & a copy of The Honest Scrap Logo on my blog.
3. I must select at least seven (7) other worthy bloggers & list their links
4. I must notify the bloggers of the award and hopefully they will follow the above three requirements also.
10 Honest Things About Me
1. I can't wait until I'm older.
2. I am striving to become vegan again and begin baking vegan.
3. I'm a bit OCD which is why I tend to do all the cleaning myself and have come to accept it.
4. My favorite color is green.
5. My first concert was a Backstreet Boys concert. How shameful!
6. I'm a loner.
7. My favorite movie is Rocky Horror.
8. I don't trust cats.
9. I love to make people laugh.
10. It's quite easy to make me laugh.
Worthy Bloggers
1. Sweet Treats Baking Blog
2. Frog Hair
3. Fig and Plum
4. Cookie Madness
5. Yarn Zombie
6. Brooklyn Tweed
7. Knit and Tonic
Happy Belated April Fool's Day!
Word of the Day
dyed-in-the-wool \dyde-in-thuh-WOOL\
: thoroughgoing, uncompromising
So there you go my wooly fans, see how you can incorporate it into your regular vocabulary :)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ten On Tuesday
- Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Shock Treatment
- Lady Killers
- Walk The Line
- Superbad
- The Cable Guy
- Clerks II
- Wedding Singer
- A Christmas Story
- 30 Days of Night
Bonus: Across The Universe
If you want to play along, feel free to check out Ten On Tuesday
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Ten On Tuesday
- You ache when you wake up in the morning.
- You realize you need a retirement plan.
- You have to pay your own bills for the rest of your life.
- Your friends are all starting to have a kid... or two.
- Even worse, people younger than you have kids.
- You remind yourself how you need to start taking vitamins again.
- You find young kids nowadays are obnoxious.
- You really notice that your parents are getting older and you need to appreciate them more (note to self: call mom and dad).
- You start wondering if you should have kids because you are getting older even though you're against having kids.
- The weekends are for resting and when you do go out to enjoy the nightlife it's strenuous work.
If you wish to play along, please do feel free to check out the Ten On Tuesday blog.
Monday, April 13, 2009
What I did on my vacation
In one of my recent trips to Michael's, I found a bunch of Craft magazine which I snatched up quickly. One of them was focused on weaving and had a small paper loom. I wish I had one of those huge looms to make beautiful blankets with, but I figured I had to start somewhere and what better to start with than a free paper loom. So here is my poor attempt. It's a bit more difficult to hold and weave as the article describes but I'll continue to give it a honest try.
Knit Picks Big Snugs in the sea foam color. This is my next knitting project.
Here's some of what I cooked and baked during my vacation:
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Ten On Tuesday
- Meat
- Eggs *
- Those little potato - onion looking veggies in Chinese food.
- Milk that came from an animal *
- Peas
- Fish
- Pickles (Especially the smell)
- Horseradish (Especially the smell)
- Figs (Did you know that these have crushed bugs in them?)
- Sauerkraut
*The thing with these foods is that I will purchase foods already made that include them but I myself don't purchase eggs and I only bake with milk if it's a critical part of the recipe and cannot be substituted.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Ten On Tuesday
- Felt my sushi wallet.
- Organize my "cables and wire" cabinet.
- Get rid of all the clothes we don't wear.
- Water the plants.
- Clean the sugar glider's wheel.
- Organize the closet.
- Shampoo the carpet.
- Give the ferrets a bath.
- Trim their claws.
- Let the sugar gliders roam "free" in their balls.
If you wish to play along, please feel free to check out Ten on Tuesday
Monday, March 30, 2009
Zen, the confederate?
I just want to take a moment to say what a wonderful boyfriend I have. I mean really, how many men out there pay so much attention to a their woman's interests and put thought and effort into surprising their girl with a gift that pertains to her hobbies. Since the week before last he has been having me playing the guessing game about a gift that he had ordered me but of course he was lying about all the hints to throw me off. It was not until Wednesday when I went to go check the mail when I found out what I had gotten. A Kitchen Aid mixer! Yep, I was so stunned when the post office lady handed it over to me she kept telling me I didn't need to sign but I just stood there grinning at the box. I love it, I love it, I love it! This weekend I used it to make some parmesan mashed potatoes with it and some cookies. I made the chocolate crackle cookies from the Martha Stewart cookies book with a few variations. I used egg replacer for the eggs, Hershey's unsweetened cocoa powder instead of Dutch processed unsweetened cocoa powder (What's the difference anyway?), and unsweetened chocolate instead of bittersweet chocolate which a lady at the supermarket said I could use instead. I don't know what they were supposed to taste like but I thought mine were pretty darn good. Paul said he wanted to pick the next cookie for me to bake. I can't wait to see what he picks. I hope it's a good recipe.
This past Friday I got home early at about 1:30 with my Sobe and I was ready to go. I finally got out my spinning kit, good out my how to book and turned on my favorite youtube instructional video on how to spin. I think I'm doing pretty good. I know it's rough but I have tons of roving left and a good bit of patience. I know this thick-thin yarn is what some people like but I can't wait until I get my drafting straight and start putting out that nice even thin yarn. This past week I also made a pencil cup made from a recycled phone book. You can see it in the picture of the Kitchen Aid mixer on the coffee table above as well as my sushi wallet pre-felting. I really need to toss it in the washer. I just need to do it quickly like pulling off a band aid. Soon.
This past weekend was Civil War weekend at the park by my home. They have it every year and I've wanted to go but never got off my butt to check it out. This year I finally got myself together and walked out there in the cold, windy rain. It was well worth it though. It was quite entertaining though. Not the most accurate with the confederate soldiers outnumbering the union soldiers and the majority of both walking away unharmed but the uniforms and artillery was impressive. The booths were quite interesting with all the demonstrations of candle making, black smiths and knives. I got Paul a confederate hat which was unfortunately made in china but I still wanted to support the cause as well. What I did find quite creepy was one of the collections of dolls at one of the booths which I took a close up of. I know a lot of people like collecting these things but I just find them creepy.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I "felt" great!
I'm actually done knitting the sushi wallet (I'll post pictures later on.) I just need to felt it next. Which is very scary! Not being in control kind of worries me. Maybe this weekend I'll grow some cojones and toss it in the washer. Wish me luck!